Complaint Resolution

  • Custodial parties or non-custodial parents can file a complaint with the Department of Child Support Services either orally or in writing.
  • Provide your contact information, the case name and number, and the issue you want resolved.
  • Your complaint may be about any Department of Child Support Services action or inaction - except for complaints about court orders, custody, or visitation.
  • You must make the complaint within 90 days of when you knew about the problem.
  • The Department of Child Support Services will have someone other than the caseworker involved with your case, investigate and try to resolve your complaint.
  • If the complaint is out of the county's area, it will be sent to the right county within five days.
  • The Department of Child Support Services will provide you a written response to your complaint within 30 days of when they received your complaint.
  • If you are not satisfied with the county's response, the Department of Child Support Services will send a written notice to you with information on your rights to a State Hearing.

The State Hearing is a process where you can have your child support case reviewed by a judge. You must complete the local complaint resolution process before you can request a State Hearing. The following types of complaints can be heard at a State Hearing:

  • Your application for child support services has been denied or has not been acted upon within the required timeframe.
  • Your case has been acted upon and you believe the county acted illegally.
  • Support payments were not given to you, you received the wrong amount, or you don’t agree with the past-due amount.
  • You must make the complaint within 90 days of when you knew about the problem.
  • The child support agency closed your child support case.

Some issues cannot be heard at a State Hearing, specifically Court-ordered amounts of child support; Question regarding paternity; Child custody or visitation; Spousal support; Contempt matters; and Civil rights issues.

If you intend to request a State Hearing, you must do so within 90 days of receiving the county’s response to your complaint, or within 90 days of filing your complaint and the county failed to respond. The State Hearing will be held in your county within 30 days of the State Hearing Office receiving your hearing request.

The Department of Child Support Services Ombudsman can help you prepare the needed documents for your hearing. If needed, translation services and reasonable disability assistance are available to you free of charge.

Roles of the Ombudsman:

  • To help you with child support issues.
  • To assist you in understanding the complaint resolution process
    before, during, and after the complaint is filed.

You can file a complaint if you are not satisfied with the assistance you are receiving from the County Department of Child Support Services in resolving your child support issues.

If you have questions regarding your case, please call 1-866-901-3212. If you have already discussed your case with your caseworker and need assistance with complaint resolution, then please call the Ombudsman at 831-454-3635 or email